Finding Your Own Replacement

When you sign up for a date, you are considered available.

If you’re plans change after you sign up, you will now be expected to find your own replacement.

The process is simple:

Step 1- Contact another volunteer and ask if they can swap or cover your shift. Sending a group email is a faster way to find a replacement.

Step 2- Let the volunteer coordinator know the event name, the date and who is covering your shift.

Step 3- The Volunteer Coordinator will confirm the change within a couple of days.

How to send a group email:

1. Send a message to: [email protected]

            *If you are looking for a replacement for a concession shift, you can use: [email protected]

2. Type out your request, indicating what shift(s) you need off, including start and end time

3. Send the email

4. Once you get a replacement, please confirm with Mariana: [email protected] & [email protected]

5. To avoid confusion, please respond to anyone who offered to take your shift and let them know you have it covered


Q: Why are we asking you to find you own replacement?
A: To reduce the amount of time it takes to administrate the volunteer corps.

Q: What if I try to find my own replacement, but no one is available.
A: After giving your best try, if you have not been able to find anyone, send an email to [email protected] to let us know.

Q: How will I know that the person I call is not already working the show?
A: You can check the monthly volunteer coordinator on this web site.

Q: I don’t have access to email.
A: Please leave a voice message for the FOH Supervisor. 604-992-0331.

Q: I have an emergency come up at the last minute.
A: Emergencies are all part of life. If you can email [email protected] and/or phone the FOH line, it is greatly appreciated. We understand that it is not always possible to find your own replacement.