Fire & Evacuation

Fire & Evacuation Procedures

Evacuations may or may not happen with warning.
It is important that you remain calm.

In the event of an evacuation either:

  1. The alarm will sound.

  2. The Head Technician will make an announcement. 

Assembly Point: WVSS Sports Field

Volunteer Ushers

  • Head to your nearest exit and open doors

  • Direct patrons out of the auditorium to the field

  • Wait until all patrons have left the auditorium

  • Proceed to the meeting point through your exit

  • Close all doors behind you

  • Check washrooms

  • Do not re-enter the building

  • Assist patrons who need help

  • Stay out of the way of Emergency Services 

Key Points:

Always keep safe – never put yourself in danger!

Wait for clear instructions – do not guess

Remain Visible. Once at the meeting point, all ushers should gather together and wait.

Do not go home.

Audience Questions:

Is the performance going to restart?
I do not know. An announcement will be made as soon as possible.

I want to get my coat/keys
The building is now closed. No one is allowed back in until further notice.

Can I (a patron) leave?
Yes, but not via Mathers. (Mathers Ave must be kept clear for the first responders)

Will I get a refund?
I don’t know. If there is a refund, the box office will contact you.

I’m a member of the press
I cannot comment. Please speak to the FOH manager for more information.